The Republika Srpska (RS) National Assembly on Wednesday approved a set of Conclusions that call for the closure of the Office of the High Representative in BiH (OHR). The Conclusions state that because of the High Representative’s “disregard for the rule of law” the RS “cannot accept the imposition of any person as High Representative.”
According to the Conclusions:
By neglecting the democratic and constitutional processes, as well as the clear conditions of the Dayton Agreement, the High Representative, without any legal authority, imposed numerous laws in BiH, as well as 105 amendments to the entity constitutions. The High Representative extrajudicially punished hundreds of BiH citizens, annulled court decisions, including those of the BiH Constitutional Court, and issued an order prohibiting any action to challenge the High Representative’s decisions. The High Representative is drastically disregarding the interests and rights of the constituent peoples, giving unacceptable qualifications and insults to the entire Serbian people. The High Representative’s illegal and reckless dictates have done immeasurable damage to BiH’s functionality and political culture, largely undermining respect for the rule of law.
The Conclusions further state:
After 25 years of peace in BiH, it is high time that the Office of the High Representative be closed and that responsibility for the future and functioning of BiH become the exclusive right and competence of the people of BiH and their political representatives, without foreign interference or other threats to democratic processes and constitutional mechanisms.