Bosnian Company Accused of Iran Sanctions-Busting Talks – BIRN

Authorities in BiH said a company in Zvornik held talks with Iranian officials about selling aluminium oxide, which would have violated Western sanctions.

After the Bosnian security services received and verified the information, [Security Minister Fahrudin] Radoncic traveled to Republika Srpska’s main city of Banja Luka on Friday to inform the Serb member of the tripartite Bosnian presidency, Milorad Dodik.

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Dodik confirmed this at a press conference on Monday.

“I was informed that there were some contacts [between Alumina and the Iranian embassy]. Knowing that America has imposed sanctions against Iran, we have no reason to risk anything, and I called the Alumina director and told him to cut off all those contacts. The job [sale of aluminium oxide to Iran] was never completed,” Dodik said.

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