Former Croat Fighters Indicted for War Crimes Against Serbs – B92

The BiH Prosecutor’s Office issued indictments against three former members of the Croatian Defense Council for involvement in war crimes against Serb civilians.

The indictment charges Zdenko Andabak, Muamir Jasharevic, and Sead Velagic with crimes against humanity.

They are accused of being part of “wide-scale and systematic attacks” staged by the HVO and HVO Military Police, targeting the civilian population of Serb nationality in the Livno municipality, from April 1992 until JUly 1993.

The civilians were unlawfully detained and tortured in a local school. The three are also accused of murdering 16 Serb civilians.

The Prosecutor’s Office said that its indictment is the result of cooperation with prosecutors in Serbia.

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