OHR Urges Federation to Address Appointments Crisis – OHR

The Office of the High Representative today urged authorities in the Federation to adopt amendments to the FBiH Law on Ministerial, Government and Other Appointments immediately.

The proposed amendments offer a comprehensive and systematic solution to the problem of delayed appointments and fulfil a clear commitment undertaken by the competent authorities in BiH towards the IMF to ensure the stability of the FBiH Securities Commission and other FBiH institutions.

By affirming the principle of continuity of office, the amendments enable institutions of public interest to function and meet their legal obligations towards citizens even when appointments to those institutions are deadlocked. The parallel introduction of a deadlock-breaking mechanism, with stringent deadlines, would ensure that office holders in a technical mandate do not stay in office in perpetuity.

OHR also urged leaders in two Federation cantons to “respect the invocation of Vital National Interests” in their jurisdictions.